Septage receiving presents challenges that can stop a wastewater treatment plant in its tracks

Many wastewater treatment plants and private liquid waste processing facilities handle septage before it enters the treatment process, using a septage receiving system. However, septage waste is not the same as typical wastewater, which presents unique challenges, so there are important considerations, like choosing the right screening technology and compaction type for best system function.

Download our article to understand the challenges around treating septage waste and how to address them. You’ll learn:

    • The key differences between septage and typical wastewater – and why they matter
    • The importance of proper design, including screening technology and compaction type
    • Best practices for optimal performance
    • How a properly designed system can offer benefits like increased revenue

With decades of proven experience, Hydro-Dyne Engineering can guide you through these challenges and help you optimize this all-too-critical first step in proper waste and wastewater treatment and processing.

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