Hammerhead On-Site
Screen Sizing

Innovative technology for intelligent
resource management.

On-Site Testing Advantages

  • Enables treatment plants to better understand the unique characteristics of their wastewater flow
  • Provides site-specific intelligence to design the most efficient
    and effective headworks structures
  • Improves process protection
  • Enables treatment plants to better understand the unique characteristics of their wastewater flow
  • Provides site-specific intelligence to design the most efficient
    and effective headworks structures
  • Improves process protection
  • Extends equipment lifespan
  • Reduces capital expenditures
  • Minimizes maintenance expenses
  • Extends equipment lifespan
  • Reduces capital expenditures
  • Minimizes maintenance expenses

The Time Is Now For A Better, Smarter Design

Industry leaders, engineers, operators and maintenance personnel have long realized the benefits of removing inorganic solids as early in the treatment process as possible, but preliminary treatment equipment has conventionally been selected more on the requirements of downstream processes than influent characteristics. As these processes increase in sophistication and sensitivity, plant design is driven towards finer upstream screening protection, without further investigation into the type of solids presented to the plant.

The methods and formulas for headworks design and equipment sizing have remained constant for decades while the industry continues to evolve. As a result, treatment plants and collection systems around the world continue to deal with ongoing and unnecessary problems. Due to the inadequacies of a plant’s first line of defense, there are issues with maintenance, equipment failure, and a significant reduction in overall system efficiency and performance. Combined with the realities of increasingly strained natural resources, growing population centers, aging infrastructure, and shifting weather patterns, it is easy to see that this path cannot be sustained by an industry that is required to do more with less.

Factors Affecting a Treatment Plant’s Flow

Just as each plant has its own processes that dictate the amount of protection it requires, the influent flow every plant receives is unique as well. The design of a collection system, constituents feeding the plant, stormwater infiltration, variations in flow and more all have a direct impact on the operational efficiency of the plant.


Studies have shown that wet screenings quantities encountered at different plants can vary by as much as 240%, and SCR between different screen styles can vary by as much as 50%. Even screens with the same opening size can have dramatically different SCRs. For example, the 6mm opening size recorded an SCR as low as 32% for a spiral-style screen and as high as 84% for a center fed band-style screen.

Factors Affecting Wastewater Influent

Collection system

• Inflow and infiltration

• Area of collection system and
length of sewer lines

• Number and size of pump stations

• Type of pumps and presence of
coarse screening or grinding at

• Equalization or storage basins

• Septage and grease hauler


• Density

• Hotels/resorts/laundry facilities/
hospitals/sports stadiums

• Correctional/Institutional facilities

• Local industry

Headworks design

• Pumped to or gravity-fed

• Length and slope of influent

• Number of channels and flow

• Pretreatment such as coarse
screening or grit removal

Flow variations

• Infiltration and Intrusion

• Weather conditions like
drought or heavy precipitation

• Water use restriction

Common Issues Associated with Underperforming Headworks Systems

• Reduced protection and lifespan of downstream processes
• Increased capital costs from oversized or prematurely replaced equipment
• Decreased equipment lifespan
• Equipment failure due to structural deficiencies under hydraulic forces
• Increased maintenance costs
• Increased blow through of screenings
• Reduced screenings capture
• Increased electrical and wash water requirements
• Flooded headworks structures
• Solids deposition upstream
• Improper removal of organic materia


Hammerhead On-Site Screen Sizing system

On-site Screen Sizing represents a significant technological leap in the way treatment plants design their headworks structures. Just as the Hammerhead Shark uses its highly specialized sensory receptors to analyze and dominate its environment, Hydro-Dyne’s Hammerhead On-site Screen Sizing equipment utilizes an array of technologies to test and analyze a treatment plant’s unique wastewater environment.


For the first time, treatment plants and collections systems can now easily understand their unique influent characteristics to make truly informed decisions on how their influent can impact their processes system-wide. This advancement in process analysis and resource management results in an efficiently designed headworks for an individual plant that significantly reduces operating, maintenance and capital costs, extends the life of downstream processes, and improves the overall performance and efficiency of the treatment plant or collection system.

Benefits of On-Site Screen Sizing

• Improved protection and extended life of downstream plant technologies
• Significant reduction in many of the unknown variables currently utilized in equipment design
• Decreased capital costs attributed to oversized equipment and channels
• Reduced maintenance of equipment throughout the plant
• More accurate hydraulic predictions
• Increased headworks equipment life
• Defined dual stage screening
• Proper design and sizing of screenings handling units
• Significantly reduced chance of equipment failure or headworks flooding

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